Security Investigations Professional- East Africa [SIP (E.A) ®] is a certified and professional Security Investigations Training Programme by the Kenya School of Security Management (KSSM). Security Investigations Professional-East Africa is aimed at investigation practitioners as well as persons who aspire a career in investigations and would wish to deepen their general and specialised investigations knowledge and skills and attain a professional mark of proficiency in investigations. Fully qualified graduates of this course will demonstrate the desirable high-level mastery and competency in investigations of complex and multifaceted levels of crime at local and international level. These professionals will be able to make well-reasoned arguments and rational decisions with confidence and are expected to make solid investigative contributions to their East African Community.
This multidisciplinary course has been developed with the involvement of key experts in investigations from the military, police, and private sectors. These experts approached the course development from the industry perspectives such as the contemporary knowledge, skills, and attitudes they look for while hiring high level investigators. The course is delivered by practicing industry experts. Security Investigations Professional-East Africa is therefore carefully structured, designed and delivered. The course is also designed with full bearing on the East African Qualification Framework and therefore takes full account of the unique East African investigations needs. The course is therefore specifical designed for investigation practitioners in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, South Sudan, and Democratic Republic of Congo.
The Security Investigations Professional-East Africa identifies three different impact levels and details the knowledge and behaviours required to excel at each of them. The levels are relevant to all investigation practitioners regardless of their current and future roles (as employee, a specialist, or a consultant). It is strongly advised that one begin with Foundation Level and then gradually progress to Intermediate and then Advanced Level because each level is designed to provide unique knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for successful performance in the industry. Click here to download full profile.