Our Continuous Professional Development (CPD) training programmes are designed to enhance the capacity of security practitioners in various security fields. These Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programs are categorized into seminar based open training programs and customized (in-house) training programs. The customized training programs are designed jointly with the clients based on the clients training needs assessments, while the seminar-based training programs are designed by the KSSM training teams based on industry and sector-based skills gap analysis.
Kenya School of Security Management appreciates that our global world is diverse in many aspects. Eastern and Central African environments are different from other parts of the world in terms of cultures, ecology, economy, technological development, and actual security needs. Kenya School of Security Management therefore continually conducts Security Training Needs Assessments as well as Skills Gap Analysis in specific industries within the East African Region, and out of the assessed needs and skills gaps identified, designs and tailor make remedial trainings to fill the needs and gaps identified in a manner and language that best speaks to the region’s security needs. Below is a summary of our seminar-based training programs. The courses are: